High Fiber Diet. Healthy Tips - Health Care Department California

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How Does a High Fiber Diet Help Your Health?
Basic Guide on High Fiber Food and correlated Health advantages

For many years now we have been hearing about how a high fiber diet has many health benefits. Some people do follow high fiber diets and some do not.

So what is it about fiber that is so beneficial to your health and what does it do within your body to promote good health?

Well firstly fiber is a necessity for an effective digestive system and for the elimination of waste products. Since fiber also known as roughage cannot be digested it provides a coarseness which cleans out your internal track.

Most people do not get enough fiber and this could be the reason for many diseases and for the problem of obesity in the world.

So what is enough fiber?

Well through extensive research scientist have determine on an average a person should consume approximately 30 gram of fiber per day.

Do you know how much fiber is in your diet?  

Well if you are a typical person you probably consume approximately 15 grams of fiber per day. Now it does vary from diet to diet and culture to culture but if your diet is not one that consist of 5 to 6 serving of fruits and vegetables per day and if you are not consuming whole wheat’s and whole grain cereals and breads chances are you are not getting the recommended daily amount of fiber in your diet.

So what’s the big deal? We have all heard this for years to consume more fiber and we are all still living right?

Yes, this is true but are you as healthy as you could be?

Are you really consuming the diet that will actually keep you healthy for years to come, or will the lack of fiber in your diet contribute and maybe it’s currently contribution to a level of health that is below optimal levels.

So what is fiber anyway? Well as stated above fiber is the roughage of parts of the food that cannot be fully digested.

There are two type of fiber soluble and insoluble fiber.

Each type of fiber plays a certain roll in your digestive track and aids your body in different ways.

Soluble fiber is the type of fiber that dissolves in water.

As it dissolves it forms a jelly like substance creating bulk. When this bulk or jelly is in the small intestine it has the qualities that will absorb the cholesterol from your digestive track and eliminate it from your body through your waste. Since this cholesterol is pulled out of the digestive track the body then pulls cholesterol from the blood system regulating the digestive system and lowering your cholesterol level in your blood stream.
Soluble fiber can reduce your serum cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) by as much as 15%. You can consume your soluble fibers through oat bran, apples, citrus, pears , beans and psyllum.

On the other hand insoluble fiber cannot be dissolved in water and is actually more of the bulk that move through and cleanses your digestive tract.

Insoluble fiber purpose is to treat constipation and also assist in slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloody stream.  This can help people who suffer with diabetes by regulating the sugar levels and preventing spikes of sugar overload.

Insoluble fiber can be found in such foods as wheat bran, cabbage and root vegetables.

Other benefit of a high fiber diet is weight management.

Typically you will consume less calories when eating a high fiber diet because the fiber will make you feel fuller quicker and will give you body the feeling of feeling full for a longer period of time. It also helps in faster elimination of waste which can reduce weight. Fiber also help to modify blood glucose levels, reduces or cures constipation, alleviates hemorrhoids and may reduced the risk of cancer.

So the benefits of a high fiber diet can not only help you feel better and avoid diseases but fiber can also help you look better by reducing weight and eliminating waste faster. So eating you green leafy vegetable, consuming your fresh and dried fruits and read labels and observe the amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber will aid your body in staying healthy.
High Fiber Diets
Health Benefits for Everybody

As briefly here in the first paragraph indicated Fiber is mostly polysaccharides composed of glucose units, but human digestive enzymes cannot break the bonding of these units.

We can think of fiber as non-starch polysaccharides.

These include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and some other types of fiber. That might sound like Greek to you, but seriously fiber is an important part of our daily diet, and a high fiber diet might be perfect for your body.
Soluble or Insoluble Fiber?

Both of these types are important for optimum health. Fiber has a number of health benefits and hence is highly recommended in daily food.
Some of its health benefits are:

1. - It promotes the feelings of fullness and reduces energy consumption.
2. - It prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems.
3. - Fiber helps prevent bacterial infection of the appendix.
4. - It reduces the risk of colon cancer.
5. - It stimulates the muscles of the digestive tract and helps them retain their health and tone.

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Fibers can be obtained from a variety of plants, vegetables and fruits.

And they are especially abundant in whole foods. All fruits are rich in fiber.

For just 2 grams of fiber, you could eat 1 small apple, 1 peach, 1 small banana, 2 prunes, 16 large cherries, or a number of other fruits. Grains also contain fiber.

For 2 grams of fiber, simply try 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 2 slices of cracked wheat bread, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, 2 cups of popped popcorn, or ¼ of a cup of corn bran.

If you are on a low-carb diet, you can try eating cooked vegetables to provide your body with adequate fiber.

For 2 grams of fiber, eat ½ of a cup of broccoli, 1 cup of celery, ½ of a cup of carrots, 1 small potato, 1 large tomato, or a variety of beans.
Beans, or any type of legume, are the real powerhouses for fiber.

By only eating ½ of a cup of kidney beans, 1 cup of dried peas or lentils, or ½ of a cup of canned baked beans, you can provide your body with a whopping 8 grams of fiber.  

For some people this is how they supplement their fiber intake each day. Or they prefear to consume vegetable or fruit drinks at the same time daily and it helps them to remain regular. The added benefit is that they are increasing their fiber intake in the easiest way possible.

If all else fails, small amounts of fiber can also be found in peanuts, walnuts, and pickles, so there is really no excuse for not getting enough fiber in your diet.

Most people recognize the value in eating right. Following a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber has many benefits.

Fiber is important to your diet regardless of your age. Choose fiber rich foods that you enjoy and you will automatically reap the benefits of a fiber rich diet.

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