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Body Building Anatomy
Basics to start the  complete body transformation

The anatomy of body building includes knowing what muscles are located where and how they are grown most effectively. It can be confusing, so as you read this article, find a mirror and locate the muscles on your own body. When you are body building, knowing the anatomy of your body can be very, very helpful.

Of course, you know where your neck is. There are two basic neck muscles that you can focus on in your body building. The upper trapezius runs down the back of your neck from the nape of the neck to the shoulder. The levator scapulae runs next to the first five or six cervical vertebrae in your neck.
The trapezius muscles run down your back from the nape of your neck to the waist on either side of the spine.  In body building terms, these muscles are referred to as the trap muscles.

The deltoid muscles are located in your shoulders. The anterior delt is in the front part of the shoulder, the middle delt runs down the side of the shoulder, the posterior deltoid muscles runs down the back part of the shoulder.  The rotator cuff muscle runs just below the anterior delt from the armpit straight out.

The muscles in your chest are the pectoral muscles.  

Your tricep muscles are located in your arms. They run down the sides of the arms from shoulder to elbow. The biceps, on the other hand are located on the inside of the arm.

There are also very distinct muscles in the forearms.

Your abs are located in the stomach area – or abdominal region hence their name!

In the legs, you have the quadriceps muscles in the front – or quads.
The muscles in the back of the legs are located in the calf, or lower leg, and hamstring which is the upper leg.

Other major muscle groups you will want to focus on include glutes – or the buttocks, the lats which are in the upper back, and the lower trap muscles which is the lower back.

Knowing your anatomy when you undertake a body building program is a very important part of effectively growing your muscles. When you know the various muscle groups in your anatomy, you can build those muscles and concentrate on them during your workouts. In body building, knowledge of human anatomy isn’t difficult when you know what you are looking for.  Know your muscles and succeed in your body building goals.


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